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„Grapp voll Käeren“ - A hand full of grains - ZUKUNFT SÄEN! 2018 on the Schanckhaff

At the yearly organised event of the Bio-Lëtzebuerg association „ZUKUNFT SÄEN!“ ("seeding for the future"), the proximity to nature and the respect for the work of farmers to produce our daily bread became tangible moments, especially for families with children. In 2018, participants met on a field of family Schanck from Hupperdange.

The role of the seeds

Jos Schanck explained how wheat is sown by hand and what the important steps are. As the first biodynamic farmer in Luxembourg, he owns a lot of practical knowledge. He put the main focus on seed cultivation, because the offer of choices on seeds that match the specific soil characteristics of a farm are exrtremely important. With the initiative „ZUKUNFT SÄEN!“ an example is set on keeping the sovereignity of seeds for farmers.

From the seed to our bread

The organisers from Bio-Lëtzebuerg hope that the seed also rises this year - in the figurative sense, but also literally. At the event in Kaesfurt next to Hupperdange, the traditional "bread of the future" was tasted. It consists of wheat from the organic farm of family Dyck in Leudelange and is baked in the OIKO-Bakhaus in Munsbach.

More to know: what is the message of the initiative "ZUKUNFT SÄEN“?


The noble gesture of seeding has always been the embodiment of awe from nature and the expression of thankfulness for our daily bread. The infinite circle of seeding, growing, harvesting and new seed in respect of the rhythm of nature has been the occasion for Bio-Lëtzebuerg, the association for oranic agriculture, to host the event ZUKUNFT SÄEN! on a farm for nine years already. Every participant seeds an acre of winter seeds to become a part of this natural circle and to receive "ground contact" again.

Besides assuring the close contact to the circle of nature, „ZUKUNFT SÄEN!“ has another purpose for the organic agriculture, since diversity of varieties, the preservation of old varieties and the methods of seed cultivation are of utmost importance for organic farmers. Genetically modified seeds and other technological seed cultivation methods are rejected in organic agriculture, because they interfere to much with natural processes. The consequences of these manipulations are unpredictable for future generations. This is the message from the initiative taking a start with „Grapp voll Käeren“ - "a Hand full of of seeds"